Monday, February 01, 2021


Over the course of the next 28 days - or more - I am going to embark on a task to summarize my thoughts on a number of topics that in the current political environment could be considered divisive. To that end, these posts will turn some people off and ruffle some feathers. Why? Because I am going to state my rejection of a position on a current topic and summarize why I reject that position and what position I support.

I am not attempting to be offensive. I am not attempting to demean any one or imply that their value in the eyes of the God and Creator of the universe is any less than my own. I will point out immorality and sinfulness. I will point out what I see as serious issues and impediments to the successful united society. If at any time anyone feels offended I encourage them to examine themselves and determine why it is they cannot separate their own self-worth from a held position.

My purpose in all this is a very public withdrawal from an overindulgence of social media. It has been a time and energy drain - and has vastly slowed down my ability to complete my books - that has proven to provide only a tiny benefit with the majority of posts and ads and information being useless or worse, completely argumentative and divisive. The advantages of social media were completely overshadowed by the negative impacts. Therefore, I am withdrawing to a great extent. Much like an addict withdraws from a substance or behavior.

To that end, I am going to begin the posts with my first rejection: social media.

I reject the modern notion of social media. It has not, is not, and will not be a benign means of objective information sharing among friend groups. Instead, it has become a platform for social engineering and public shaming. It is used daily to self-promote one's own beliefs and seek validation. And because it is in a public forum and setting, those seeking self-validation - or condemnation of others - use language that attempts to emotionally compel people by guilt, shame, or fear of being "canceled", which is in effect, a rejection.

You can consider this post my own canceling of that use of social media. I simply don't care for those attempts of self-validation, particularly when a person deviates from the norms of society and norms of appropriate behavior. Note that one who deviates is a deviant. If someone doesn't like the label, they should reconsider being the deviant.

I reject the notion of big tech companies having such unfettered and enormous control over what is said and not said on their platforms. At the same time, I am a capitalist and I respect their right to control their own platforms per their own rules. What is missing is the appropriate parallel to services and products sold by brick and mortar stores. I'll just mention the situations that have occurred and were escalated to national news where bakers, florists, restaurants, etc. have been criminalized because they tried to assert control over their own business. That concept is well known by most intelligent readers.

If it is considered illegal for a public business to withhold business from anyone, it should be illegal for a public online social media platform or Internet hosting provider to withhold business from anyone. Period.

Therefore, I reject social media and big tech's stranglehold over it.

No comments are necessary and may be summarily deleted at my discretion. This is a unidirectional broadcast message only. Those are my rules.

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