Monday, January 02, 2006


Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam...

Some of you may recognize this quote of the impressive clergyman from the movie The Princess Bride. The impressive clergyman had a highly pronounced speech impediment. But he had a heart for marriage and a romantic soul. Well maybe not. But why do I mention this? And why after several weeks of not posting?

Announcement time folks. I have recently married and I have been too busy to fiddle around online. Real life rules! And some times it gets REAL busy. So just in the month of December, I moved my kids and all my stuff from Texas to North Carolina. And on December 22, yes just 3 days before Christmas, I married my lovely bride Amy.

And wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva...

And true love it is. This marriage and this arrangement was put together by God (I posted about it some months ago) and is true and deep love. And now we let the love overflow into our new family. This family is an amalgam (mercury-free) of the five dissimilar children from the two broken families. We are building a new life and a new family around Christ and in our love for God and our love for each other.

So tweasure your wuv.

And that is exactly what we intend to do, to treasure our family as a precious gift from God, given to two broken people as God has promised to do good things for His children. And as we have sought to keep our lives holy to God in all we do, we also seek to keep our family centered around God. We treasure this opportunity and we are thankful.

Have you the wing?

So now I am wearing a wedding band on my finger again. It feels good to know that its there. I know it is not any magic of the ring, or any other magic that keeps our marriage blessed and full of love. I know it requires work and dedication. And as we work to merge the two households into one (in terms of stuff), the two sets of kids into one (oy vey), and as we blend our lives completely together, we know that it takes both of us to make it work. As my uncle would say "hard work and sweet oil". I don't really know what sweet oil is, but it sounds good.

Man an' wife.

Today we are man and wife. But unlike the marriage (or is that mawage) of Buttercup to Humperdink, our marriage is mutually pledged and mutually bonded. I strive to be the servant leader of our home and my wife strives to be the loving helper in all things. We are a team, built on the scriptural model of marriage and working together for each other and our family.

We truly are man and wife. I think I will go kiss the bride now.

Copyright 2006, Kevin Farley (a.k.a. sixdrift, a.k.a. neuronstatic)