Monday, July 04, 2016

Happy Independence Day!

Just a quick note to say, happy Independence Day, everyone!

Have a wonderful and enjoyable day and remember all those lives sacrificed for our freedom.

Let us also never forget that freedom from an oppressive government was not a one time thing back in 1776. It is an ongoing fight to retain our freedoms. 

Remember, peace without freedom is no peace it all. Sometimes it takes a violent good to overcome a violent evil.


Did you know I like to write: The Trillborne WifePolicy, and Some Reason.

A Nice Conundrum

I have a rather nice conundrum. I have five really good book ideas at once. I am currently working on a sequel book to my first book, The Trillborne Wife, and I would definitely like to finish that first. 

But these pesky book ideas keep coming to the front of my mind and interfering. 

It's not all bad. In some ways, I've used some of the new ideas, and my recent re-obsession with playing World of Warcraft, to experiment with some character ideas that are making their way into the current book project and will ultimately be in future books as well.

It's tough having too many ideas, but much preferable to the lack of ideas.


Did you know I like to write: The Trillborne WifePolicy, and Some Reason.

I've Created A Monster

My little girl watched her mother and me play World of Warcraft when she was very little. She watched her brother play it. For the last two years she has begged us to play. We had already stopped playing and had no intention of restarting.

Then the Warcraft movie came out. Then Blizzard sent me a free Warlords of Draenor expansion if I renewed my account. 

I did. And my wife did. 

So now my little 7 yo drop of sunshine is playing WoW. 

What have I done?

Well, at least she's playing Horde :-)


Did you know I like to write: The Trillborne WifePolicy, and Some Reason.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

I Voted

     The following is mostly for my conservative/Republican friends. If you think you would get agitated by conservative politics, please just skip this. I really don't want to read comments that slam or shame me for being conservative or a Republican. And I certainly don't want to read your comments that try to explain to me why you think I'm stupid. Just practice some tolerance and turn a blind eye to this post. Otherwise, read on.
     Well, I voted in the primary yesterday. I voted for Ted Cruz. I know some disagree with that, and that's fine. Of those remaining in the race, he was my top pick that stood a chance of actually doing some good as president, and that goes for both parties.
     However, it looks like Trump came away with more delegates than Cruz here in NC and the Don may be the presidential candidate for the Republicans this year. I know many don't like that prospect, and that's fine.
     If you would please, read my summary of the top four candidates with an open mind before you decide to judge me.
     Of the four top candidates - Trump, Cruz, Sanders, Clinton - there are four distinct types of personalities, behaviors, and results we can expect. The only thing they share in common is broken promises.
     So what's the worst that can happen as president for each of these candidates?
     Ted Cruz has the most potential to achieve some cooperation in government, has fairly sound financial policies. In the end, the worst that can happen is not a whole lot gets done but what does get done improves economic conditions here in the country and keeps us from starting too much crap in other countries.
     Donald Trump has proven to be a highly divisive individual. He says a lot of inflammatory things simply for effect. He has shown the ability to manage large capitalist countries with greater success than the current administration has managed our national economy. In the end, Congress won't really cooperate with him except for immigration stuff, which though you may not like it and are afraid to admit it, he is right. We need to stop the invasion from Mexico and Islamic extremists. So not a lot will get done and we're no worse off economically.
     Hillary Clinton has proven to be a person you simply can't trust. She tells verifiable lies every single time she is on camera. Why people believe her and why she has not been arrested for mishandling classified data is completely insane. If someone like myself had sent just one email with the kinds of information she has, we would have been arrested, immediately, and charged with a felony. But Hillary has friends in the right places. Anyway, she is an egomaniac and one of those power hungry people that will seek all possible means to expand presidential power and consolidate control over congress that was started with the present administration. She would undeniably stack the Supreme Court with liberals that support her and the American citizens will be held hostage under the law for generations while she lives above the law.
     Bernie Sanders is an admitted socialist who is running for president of a capitalist nation. There is only one way to transform a capitalist nation to socialism: force. He has promised way more than any nation can deliver. His promises and his economic ideas will absolutely lead to economic ruin and taxes that break the common man. If Sanders were to get his way and get the things he wants to do passed in congress, this nation will be reduced to poverty. Period. He points to European socialist nations with tax rates hovering around 50% for everyone, with lower standards of living than we have now, and he calls that successful.
     So in short, Cruz will do little and the economy will suffer the least, and most likely will improve with conservative fiscal leadership. Trump will get almost nothing done, will not negatively impact the economy, and will generate lots of great memes and quotes while president. Clinton cannot be trusted and will use her executive privilege to solidify presidential powers as she becomes a tyrant. Sanders will completely break the economy and will seek more laws passed than you can imagine in an attempt to force socialism on a capitalist nation while we all are slowly subjugated into oblivion.
     Because of these things, if Trump wins the nomination, I will vote for Trump in the general election. Of the candidates, regardless of what you think of him, he has the least potential to ruin the economy and does not have a fawning support base that has already proven themselves to be intolerant, disruptive, and violent like the Sanders supporters (think recent events in Chicago as an example).
     Now, I know a lot of conservatives and Republicans don't like Trump and would be tempted to vote Libertarian in the general election as a rejection of Trump. It is pure fantasy to believe that makes a positive difference.
     I tell you right now, refusing to vote for Trump and voting for a Libertarian is casting your vote for Sanders or Clinton.
     Historically, statistically, and practically, only conservatives vote libertarian. Casting a vote for a Libertarian candidate in the next election will do nothing to get the US closer to a 3-party system. It simply does nothing except help elect a Democrat.
     I ask each conservative, each Republican, each Libertarian, and even the Democrats who have had enough of the totalitarian control shown by Obama and the destruction of American industries by his failed economic policies to unite together this election year. Vote for the Republican candidate, even if that is Donald Trump.
     Seriously. I don't necessarily like some of his statements, or lack of statements, but I personally cannot afford another round of socialism forced down our throats by the Democrats.
     I pay my fair share of taxes now. More than I ever wanted to pay. If a Democrat is elected, our taxes - mine and yours - will go up. They may not be direct payroll taxes, but there will be a lot of tax increases to pay for all the programs and policies the socialists promise.
     In all seriousness, if taxes go up, my standard of living will absolutely go down. That's what a Democrat/socialist in the White House means to all of us: our American standard of living will by necessity go down to pay for all that "free" stuff.
     Thank you for reading. Please give serious consideration to these thoughts. If you disagree, that's fine. I will not entertain comments that seek to debate the points I raise. I've thought about this a long time and argued the points with other conservatives and even liberals until I'm absolutely sick of hearing about it. So no, don't post comments for debate. Just walk on by if that's what you want to do.
     It's not that I'm afraid to debate someone, it's just that I have been debating these things for months with highly intelligent people that have really picked apart the nuances and forced me to consider things in entirely different viewpoints already. I'm tired. That's why I won't debate it anymore. And in all likelihood, if you want to pick an argument with me over this, you are most likely entirely close-minded with no intention of ever considering you are wrong. So before you call this kettle black, take a look in the mirror.
     And to all my humorous compatriots, I will delete your lame attempts to poke fun at me and this post. Seriously. I'll just delete your comments. You might even land on my "naughty list" that keeps a number of people from seeing my political posts to begin with. Obviously, if you are reading this, you are not on my naughty list. 
     Have a blessed day everyone. May God watch over you and all you say, type, and do today.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Preserving A Lost Literary Form

I saw this on the Writer's Circle and was amazed at the abilities of these artists who call themselves Master Penmen. I would love to have something done by one of them. It is truly using words as art.

Preserving A Lost Literary Form