Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Reject Cultural Appropriation

In keeping with my February theme of rejection, I reject the idea of cultural appropriation as pitched and proffered by so many today in politics.

I don't know why the idea got started but it is a relatively recent phenomenon that people somehow think that if you so much as fix tacos for dinner, you are guilty of cultural appropriation. It's a nonsensical notion that not only is hypocritical to the idea of the globalists that are actually behind it but it runs completely counter to the idea of celebrating and sharing people's family and ancestral cultures.

And what really is completely stupid is the idea that one or two or a handful or even dozens of individuals from a particular culture could even dare claim they hold the rights to decide who gets to partake of the celebration and sharing of a particular culture. Was there a vote taken back in the "homeland" and they were elected the keepers of cultural sanctity? Are people going to treat their culture like the Scientologists and try to ban all publications and depictions on the Internet?

It's completely ridiculous. Little girls - of all colors - are told they can't wear a traditional outfit from some other culture even though their favorite Disney character may be wearing it because - God forbid - they would be accused of being little racist bigots trying to steal someone's culture. People are told they can't cook and sell ethnic food because - God forbid - someone may actually like it. We can't have that now, can we?

No, it's just stupid to pretend that anyone holds the trademarks, copyright, and intellectual property for another culture.

If anyone claims they do, then I have this to say: bluejeans are a white American male thing. If you are wearing bluejeans you are culturally appropriating my culture. See how stupid it sounds? That's because it is.

I reject the idea that people are not allowed to enjoy, partake of, and even copy other cultural distinctives.

No comments are necessary and may be summarily deleted at my discretion. This is a unidirectional broadcast message only. Those are my rules. 

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