Sunday, November 17, 2019

Thank You, Hallmark Channel!

Yes, thank you, Hallmark Channel for your Christmas movies that are as expected as Advent at church, shorter days before Solstice, and candy everywhere you look before the new year. You bring us the welcomed and expected respite from the humdrum days of toiling at jobs and just making it to the next day. The simple love stories wrapped in Christmas magic are truly a blessing to many this time of year.

How have they impacted my life personally? Glad you asked.

For starters, I appreciate the reminder that everyone - and I mean everyone - has a larger house than me with high ceilings and open floor plans. They have pristine interiors without all the clutter and mismatched furniture and haphazard decorating. It's nice to know that people have the time to meticulously decorate for Christmas. Thank you for reminding me of my deficiencies.

And who doesn't appreciate knowing that anyone can succeed at love if only they let the spirit of the season guide a complete stranger to them and they get swept up in the magic of Christmas and fall madly in love? Of course, this takes several days and there will be a few moments of mistaken circumstances, bad decisions, and miscommunication before everything wraps up nicely on Christmas eve. Maybe Christmas day. Thank you for letting me know that it is as simple as that.

And let's not forget that all a man needs to succeed at love and romance this Christmas season is some facial hair - well-groomed of course - and a flannel shirt. That's pretty much it. Oh yeah, someone needs a cute kid. That also helps. Thank you for letting me know the ingredients list.

No Hallmark Christmas movie season would be complete without having our emotions jerked back and forth either. Let's not leave that part out. I mean they all come out, even the bad ones. It is not just an emotional roller coaster, it's the epitome of emotional roller coaster. And this happens because we all relate the movies back to our own lives and we feel wrapped up in their stories while having a complete lack of our own stories. For some reason, it's like those kinds of stories and especially the story endings simply don't happen for us normal folk. Or maybe it's just me. Whichever, thanks for that!

So, yes, thank you Hallmark Channel! Thank you for everything. Now I have a simple question. Given that I have the flannel shirt, well-groomed facial hair, and the cute kid - heck I even have a dog to go along with the whole package - where is she? Where is that cute woman that randomly shows up, we talk, we get to know each other, and we end up in a kiss under the mistletoe? Really. Where is she?

Perhaps I need to watch more Hallmark movies to figure that one out. Perhaps maybe life isn't like those movies. In fact, it's not. Quite possibly I am way overthinking this.

Well, lest anyone overthink this themselves, this was written tongue in cheek and shouldn't be taken too seriously. However, I do have several flannel shirts and I'm open to meeting someone. So ladies, look me up when you come rolling in from the city to my sleepy little town. I'll even buy you a hot chocolate.

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